Connect with God and People

on a deeper Level

We have a place for the whole family to connect with others. We personally invite you to join us, 

You are not alone, you fit in, and you are loved!!

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

 (See Calendar Events for dates)

All men are welcome to join us as we fellowship and strengthen one another.

Join us for fellowship, food, and new friends.

A place for men to fellowship and strengthen one another. 

Women's Fellowship Luncheon

 (See Calendar Events for dates)

Come join us and have lunch. All Ladies are welcome. We share a devotional, play a few games, and have lunch. Let's have a girls day together sharing laughs, making friends, and most of all building each other up and supporting one another as we learn more about God's design for us as women.

Food Distribution and Clothing closet

We always need volunteers for our Food Distribution and clothing closet.

Currently only serving twice a month

We start at 11:00am by picking up food at the Placer Food Bank Warehouse. Then back at the church to unload and sort for the Distribution that evening. 

Distribution and clothing closet opens at 6pm and closes at 8pm.

We need Volunteers to help set up clothing racks and tables, putting together food orders, and cleaning up and putting away all clothing and food at the end of the evening.

We could also use help in setting the church back up for Sunday Morning Service the following Sunday and making sure all is clean and ready to go.  

If you have a heart for the community and want to be a blessing  join us and volunteer today!


Round Table Discussions

Round Table Discussion's
are just as it says.
Everyone who comes will gather around as we read scripture together.
We then discuss what that section in the bible was about. Theneveryone is free to give their opinion's on what the scriptures mean and how it applies to our everyday life today.

Children and Teen's Ministry

Our Organization has a huge Youth program for not just our church but many churches all across the United States.
Just in Our District alone We have a lot to offer kids of all ages. 

Youth Camp, Six Flags, Youth Rallies, Talent Rallies, mission trips, and more.
We would love to see your children grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.
See Pastors for details 

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